
  • In Allahabad there lived a person named Sharadha Prasad Shrivasta
  • In Allahabad there lived a    person named Sharadha Prasad Shrivasta
  • Once on behalf of municipality , free house for the poor people was being provided
  • This person was not in town during that time 
  • One of his friend with a good intention, got a house for him 
  • Once he heard the news after returning he felt very bad
  • And told his friend it is not Justice to own the house that should be given to poor people
  • He said “ Might be , But I have promised Gandhi Ji that I will not own any property for myself”
  • “ If I violate that then that is not right .
  •  If politicians start owning properties then that will end up in bribe.
  • So please  return the house” . He forced his fried to return the house
  • He is our second Prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri


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