While consumption of fruits is generally good for our health, it is suggested nowadays to eat fruits before food to derive their benefits rather than after food which would be harmful. Why? It is a myth that fruits should be taken before food, for full benefit, and also that it is dangerous because they get fermented when taken along with other food. This is true if we take contaminated rotten fruit, which may contain harmful bacteria. Every research has proved beyond doubt that all the food we take is converted to simple amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids, and then only they get absorbed in the intestine. The moment food enters the mouth during chewing, the carbohydrate undergoes partial splitting ( digestion ) by an enzyme called Ptyalin. Partially digested carbohydrates, protein and fats enter the stomach where they are digested after a proper churning by the enzymes, Pepsin ,diastase, and hydrochloric acid, which further...