• 1866

◦ East India Association by Dadabhai Naoroji

‣ Place - London

◦ Severe famine in Orissa

◦ Dr. Sun Yat-sen (1866–1925)

◦ In 1866 a split occurred in the ranks of Brahmo Samaj. 

◦ The Ulema under the leadership of Muhammad QasimWanotavi (1832-80) and Rashid Ahmad Gangotri (1828-1905) founded the school at Deoband in the Saharanpur district of the U.P in 1866.

◦ Ramalinga also established a free feeding house for everyone irrespective of caste at Vadalur (1867), in the wake of a terrible famine in south India in  1866

◦ East India Association (1866)

◦ Lakshminarasu died in 1866

◦ By the Regulation of 1860 the maximum age was lowered to 22, in 1866 to 21 and in 1876 to 19 (Civil Services)

◦ 1, 2 and 3 only

◦ Gopal Krishna Gokhale (1866-1915)

◦ The Deoband Movement was begun at the Darul Uloom (or Islamic academic centre), Deoband, in Saharanpur district (United Provinces) in 1866 by Mohammad Qasim Nanotavi (1832-80) and Rashid Ahmed Gangohi (1828-1905) to train religious leaders for the Muslim community.

◦ The Deoband School of Islamic Theology (at Deoband Saharanpur, UP—1866).


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