Periodic Timetable Vaccination for Children
During this period of time as we are giving
importance to COVID vaccination we have forgot
the importance of immunization for our children.
In the current situation elders are itself
afraid to go out as they may be prone to any disease
In government hospitals and primary health care centres as treatment is being given for
corona patients , we could see a situation where proper vaccination camp for children
is not being conducted During this time Department of public welfare
should also give importance to immunization of children and confirm if every child has
been vaccinated In Tamil Nadu approximately 12 lakh babies
are born per yearAs per national vaccines and immunization
programme , vaccines were given at government hospitals and primary health care centres
Only in Tamil Nadu more than 1000 centres were formed and vaccinations were done.
From the first day of birth we have started
giving vaccines
As a vaccine for tuberculosis BCG vaccine, For prevention liver infection and cancer
Human papillomavirus (HPV) , For prevention of polio OPV , For prevention of diphtheria,
tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b (DTP-hepB-Hib)
penta vaccine , for immunization against measles (rubeola) and rubella (German measles) MR
vaccine , and many more immunization against diseases like Japanese brain fever and TB
was a practice to give during normal situations
Apart from this PCV vaccination is given for pre-term babies as an immunization against
Pneumonia. More than 11 lakh children are benefitted
through these vaccines.
Due to corona for past 1.5 years ,I ll not
tell this important thing has been missed
completely but it has been reduced.
Our friends who were supportive to get the
immunizations all these years are now front
line warriors fighting against corona.
Due to insufficient medical staffs there is
a delay in getting vaccination.
Department of Health will collect the name
address, phone number details of children who get vaccinated.
This would be useful to intimate them through phone or in person for their upcoming vaccination
In many places Parents themselves are afraid
of going out and hence they delay in getting
their children vaccinated
Dr. Ezhilarasi from child care hospital in
Elumbur says, vaccines are given every day
and almost 250 to 300 children were benefitted earlier and now it has been reduced to half
Apart from this, if atleast one person in
family gets affected by corona they delay
the vaccination for their children
Doctors are advising parents to get their
children vaccinated at the right time
As schools are closed now , vaccines that
used to be given from department of health and the
Immunization against intestinal worms are
stopped .
As a treatment for intestinal worms , Alphonsa tablet was given for Children below 19 years
of age in their school or to their homes twice a year
In Tamil Nadu alone around 8 crore tablet
is required for this
Children who do not take medicine for intestinal worms will look malnutritioned, having lack
of appetite, anemia, diarrhea , stomach upset and they will look tired always
In schools for those who complete 10 years tetanus vaccines would be given for the
tightness of jaws and muscles
Let us take a look at the time table of vaccines
After birth- BCG ,Hepatitis B, OPV
At 1.5 month - OPV , IPV, Penta ,PCV , Rotta
At 2.5 month - OPV, Penta, Rotta
At 3.5 month - OPV, IPV Penta, PCV,Rotta
At 9 months - PCV, MR
At 16 -24 months - OPV, MR, DPT
At 5 - 6 years - DPT 2nd dose
At 10 years - Tetanus (TT)
At the third wave of corona it has been predicted that children will be affected more.
Instead of researching whether the immunization are important or not let us get our children
vaccinated at the right time and keep them
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